Poster – Our Poster prints are printed on a quality paper using high resolution printers ensuring quality custom prints every time.

Canvas – Our canvas prints are printed and stretched in-house by our professionals and come ready to hang or display with a classic finish of your choice. Select your size and canvas finish, and upload your pictures or art for a personalized custom art piece.

Peel & Stick – Peel and stick prints are easy to install and look great in any room. These custom prints are delivered with adhesive and can be installed directly onto a large variety of surfaces.

Mounted Print – Our mounted prints add a unique look to custom prints. They can be mounted on a variety of substrates including metal, plastic, and acrylic. Each manifests a beautiful and original look for your space.

Framing Options

Our Canvases have several framing options that allow you to customize the border of your canvas to match your style and décor.

Gallery Wrap

Gallery wrap is a default style when uploading and cropping your image. This means your image will be wrapped around the sides of the canvas. This gives the canvas a very clean gallery style look that’s ready to be hung on your wall. (Reference:

Border Colour
Floater Frame

Floater frames look modern and add depth to the look of your custom canvas print. This option showcases your custom print through the illusion of a floating canvas.

Hanging Options

Wire Hanger

Wire hanging is standard for most wall art. All hardware is concealed behind the print creating a sleek appearance. Canvases hung with wire features sit flush against any wall. Mounted prints such as acrylic, Sintra, and metal are also hung this way with an added appearance of floating. This effect is very modern and looks great in any room.

Saw Tooth Hanger

Saw tooth hangers are easy to hang, adjust, and sit flushed against any wall.

Stand-Off Screws

Stand-off screws are an up-and-coming popular choice with custom prints. With this option, your custom art is mounted to the wall with clean metal finished posts which go through the acrylic, metal, or Sintra print on all 4 corners. This stunning look has even gained popularity across high-end galleries.


Adhesive mounted prints are light weight and can be adhered to the wall using very strong double sided adhesive. With this option, your custom print arrives to your door with adhesive pre-mounted to your art piece. This allows your mounted prints to sit flush against any wall.

Image Effects

Black and white

Black and white custom prints create a beautifully classic monochrome look.

Sepia Tone

Sepia tone is a stunning reddish brown monochrome tint that, when applied to custom prints, creates a warm, antique appearance.


This attractive custom print option breaks up your photo into small frames recreating one larger picture. If you’re looking for an interesting and stunning canvas print, mosaic is for you!


Inverted prints produce negative versions of your image, in which the lightest areas of the photo appear darkest and the darkest areas appear lightest. The colours of your photo are also reversed into their respective complementary colours.


Embossing gives your photo the appearance of being stamped or coated in metal.


Pixelated custom options enlarge the size of the pixels in your photo, which creates a retro 8-bit video game aesthetic.


Blurred prints create a softer appearance. This effect is great for hiding imperfections or de-pixelating images that are too small to print.

Where do you ship to?

Pixter Studio ships anywhere in Canada. Depending on your location, shipping can take anywhere from 3 days to 14 day to receive your custom art. All of our products are shipped using FedEx. Delivery times may vary throughout the year.

Will my print be damaged during shipping?

It is very unlikely for your custom art to be damaged during shipping. In this instance unforeseen issues arise or you receive a damaged print, contact us immediately! All of our shipments are insured to cover the rare occasion when damage does happen.

How long does it take to you to create my print?

Production time varies depending on the style and dimensions of the print ordered. The table below provides average production times based on the various products we offer. It is important to note that these are average times – each piece of art we create is custom ordered and unique and; therefore, may vary in time slightly. We do our very best to produce you art as fast as possible without sacrificing quality.

Production Times

Posters Canvas Prints Peel & Stick Metal Print Sintra Print Acrylic Print
2-3 days 4-5 days 2-3 days 6-8 days 6-8 days 6-8 days

Shipping Times

Digital image quality is measured in PPI (Pixels per square inch). Without getting too technical, the lowest PPI for relatively good quality printing is 72. This means that the minimum pixels your image has to be for a 12 inch photo is 72 x 12 = 864 pixels wide by 864 pixels tall. The more PPI an image has, the more clean and sharp your image will appear. Our Image quality Rating System calculates the PPI of your image and provides a rating as per the following chart. When you upload the image, we provide a rating based on the file size uploaded. Once you have resized and cropped the image, the rating system will provide you with a new reading based on your changes.

Image Quality Chart
PPI Quality
0-49 Unsuitable
50-71 Poor
72-99 Fair
100-149 Good
150-299 Excellent
300+ Perfect

When an image is expanded, it loses resolution. This results in a lower PPI. If you have an image at 300 PPI and blow it up to be 2x the size, its new PPI will be 150. In this case, your image would still look great once printed.

Aspect Ratio

Aspect ratio defines the relative size of the height to the width of an image. The table below describes which aspect ratios are best to select depending on how your photo was taken.