Enhance the look and feel of any room with our classic three panel canvas prints. Whether you’re looking to brighten your home, transform your professional workspace, or give a unique and special gift, Pixter Studios can help you create beautiful customizable canvas prints.

That means stunning personalized art is only a few clicks away! Create custom canvas wraps using family photos, your own personal photography, or chose from our immense online library.

Unique and original art has never been this easy!

Our canvas prints are printed and stretched in-house by our canvas professionals and come ready to hang or display with a classic finish of your choice. Just choose your size and type of canvas, upload your pictures or art for a personalized canvas print.


Canvas Textures


Perfect for high-detail colour prints. This gloss-like finish creates high-quality vibrant finishes.


This traditional canvas style offers a matte finish that shows detail well and looks great anywhere!


This textured canvas finish provides depth to any print that appears hand-painted!

Start Creating Your Custom Print!